I love the Lord, for He heard my voice, He heard my cry for mercy. ( Psalm 116:1 )
God's Word gives us hope when we feel utterly alone and hopeless. We can take comfort in knowing that God does not allow a trial in our lives that is too great for us to bear. - Carol Baldwin - Women's Devotional Bible Calendar
And remember, through ALL of our trials and tribulations, He is there to walk with us, to give us guidance and strength for His Word does not say that we will be free of such things, but rather that the afflictions of the righteous are many, but He is there to see us through them all!
God's Word gives us hope when we feel utterly alone and hopeless. We can take comfort in knowing that God does not allow a trial in our lives that is too great for us to bear. - Carol Baldwin - Women's Devotional Bible Calendar
And remember, through ALL of our trials and tribulations, He is there to walk with us, to give us guidance and strength for His Word does not say that we will be free of such things, but rather that the afflictions of the righteous are many, but He is there to see us through them all!