
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Life's ups and downs

I write this hoping that I can at least bring some hope to someone. I am not a pastor, I am not a theologian and I hold no form of doctorate or degree. I am simply one of God's own who wish to spread His Good News and help others. Today I wish to talk about life, and our response to it.

It's easy to praise God and smile when things are going our way, would'nt you say? Of course. When the traffic lights are all green when you're running late, when you forgot to take something out for dinner only to come home and find a gift card to Outback that you forgot about, etc. These are the times that it's easy to praise God ( or at least say ' Thank God! ) but what about when those lights are red? Or when your boss is breathing down your neck to complete a project that you're struggling with? Maybe the finances are too tight, or it seems that one thing after another is happening. These are the times when it's most important for us to praise Him! It's definitely harder to do so, but it's very important!

I can speak from personal experiance when I say that it's a life changing experiance to praise Him in the storm. When things around me seem like they are falling apart. When I think that everyone has forgotten me, when I think that financially I'm sinking and there's no life vest... Just to change that thought process and start thanking my Heavenly Father for the blessings that He bestows on me, changes it all. I'm not saying that if you say thank You that all your problems will disappear. Saying Thank You does, however, make you aware of what you have. Just like a parent on earth, our Heavenly Father likes to be appreciated too, and sometimes He may give us a break when we show true appreciation.

When I think about how our relationship with God parallels our relationship with our children, it is amazing! I have 3 of the most wonderful kids ever born. I truly believe them to be gifts from God that He has intrusted me with until He returns. There are times that they make me want to pull my hair out, of course, but I am so very thankful for them. That wasn't my point, however. My point is this.... those children can take things and people for granted, very easily. I often feel like they could care less and I'm always telling myself how I should just stop doing stuff for them until they learn to appreciate me and what I do for them. Of course, I then turn around and fold thier laundry or something . When they do say thank you and / or show true appreciation, it blows me away! I will then do just about anything for them. To know that they love me and are thankful for me and what I do, well, it's a most wonderful feeling! Now think of this with God.

The Lord giveth...and giveth...and giveth.... Are we doing all we can to not just take, take, take? How it must break His heart to look down at His most loved creation ( mankind ) and see such hatred, death, destruction, jealously, greed, dishonesty, lust, etc. And how it must delight Him when He see's one turn away from this. How it must fill His heart with joy when one looks up towards the sky and truly thanks Him for His goodness. How it must feel to know true appreciation. How He must feel when He knows He has truly captured our heart. How about your heart? Has God truly captured your heart? I'm not talking about asking Jesus to come into your heart, though that is the first step. I'm talking about truly letting Him have control. Are you letting God make His changes within you? Are you showing the Lord your greatfulness? Are you greatful for your blessings?

It doesn't matter how small or big a blessing is, it's still a blessing! The smallest one's are the ones we overlook the most, but should be most thankful for. You may really dislike your boss, or maybe co-workers, but are you thankful that you have a job when so many people are unemployeed, and not by choice? Your car may be rusting and creaks as you drive down the street, but have you thanked God that you aren't walking? Or maybe you ARE walking, could you imagine being in a wheelchair? Maybe you are in a wheelchair, then thank God that you have the strength to sit up in it. I could go on and on and on. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, and if we will just open our eyes and hearts to His Goodness, He is sure to pour more of His blessings upon us.

Lord, I pray that each person reading this would know Your love. I pray that they would know Your sacrifice. I pray, Father that You would bless them according to your will and that all that they touch would prosper. I pray dear, Lord, that you would fill every void in thier life, that you, Abba, would heal thier hurts and fill thier needs. I pary that your Holy Spirit fill thier lives, and that You would lead them in all that they do. Father, I thank you so much for your blessings. For each person reading this right now, for each of my children, my husband, my family, my home, my car, my job and each thing that I may not even notice everyday. I pray , Father, that you would make these small blessings known to us, that we may praise your glorious Name. And now Father, I thank you for your Son and I pray that Your grace and mercy be with each of us as we go on our way, with You forever by our side. In You Son's precious, holy name I pray. Amen.

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