
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Troubled Times...

It amazes me how life can be going along, all is well and then....WHAM!!! We're hit upside the head with something that completely changes everything!

For example.... Last year, my family and I had to move because the people who owned the house we were rented wanted to sell the home and I wanted to move on our own timing and not theirs. So, we found a new home and on the day we moved, my husband lost his job. That was so devastating! For 6 months he didn't work and we were sinking more and more. All I had was faith that God would bring us out of it and that He would always provide, which He did. I still say that had it not been for God and His Provision, we wouldn't have ever made it.

Now, it's happened again. My husband lost his job a few days ago and for a moment, I panicked. Then I remembered how God cared for us before and He will do it again. I actually have a very good feeling about this and am thankful that my husband is no longer working with the group of men he was working with because they are very bad influences and I saw changes in my husband that I was NOT happy with. Just within these few days of him not being around them, it's amazing just how much peace is in my home and how little we have been arguing!

My point to all this is.... In troubled times, we need to seek Jesus. Maybe sometimes He allows things to come into our lives to get our attention again because it's when our world is turned upside down that we come to Him the most. When things are good we tend to go about our lives maybe without as much thanksgiving as we should and without spending as much time as we should in His presence.

So if you are experiencing a difficult time, look up and keep your eyes on Him. Know that He will provide, if you'll let Him. We try to do everything on our own, but there are some things that we just can't do! Let Him do those things for you!

As for me, I am believing that God is making some awesome changes within my husband and in our lives. I believe that He will provide a job that my husband is happier in and is more of a financial provision than we have ever had. I believe that He will provide us with the security I have been so desperate for! All we need is His love!

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