
Sunday, June 15, 2008

What do you believe will help you?

You're probably wondering what in the world I am talking about, right? Well, I wont leave you waiting too long. But first, I have another question for you. What do you do when you feel fat? What about when you get stressed because there's so much month left at the end of the money? What do you turn to when you feel depressed? Well, I can't answer for you, but let me tell you my answer.
I have found that when I'm sad, lonely, depressed, scared, uncertain, and even when I feel fat, I turn to FOOD! How dumb is that?? Oh gee, I'm fat so I guess I'll have a bowl of ice cream! Until I really began to think about this and until God laid this all on me, I had no idea just how silly that really was. You see, I turn to this stuff for comfort. Do you know what finding comfort in something is liken to? It's like having faith in something. You take comfort because you have faith that something will be a certain way.
Now, can that food take away my obesity? Certainly not, but it *can* make it worse. Can that food take away my sadness and truly make me happy? Usually I ended up even more sad because I think of the calories I just ate. Can food make me any safer, can it protect me? If so, let me tell you, I'd be the most protected woman I know! Can food help me to discern what to do, make me more certain? No, but I can certainly eat plenty while trying!
The point here is this: When we are feeling any of these negative emotions, when we have an upheaval in our lives, when things don't look so bright, and when we aren't sure of our next move we need to turn somewhere that can actually HELP us! What would life be like if we turned to faith in God and His Word? How would our life change? Wouldn't it be wonderful to not worry? For me, I know that I am going to try to remember where I need to turn.
Every time I eat when I get upset, all I'm doing is adding to the reasons I am upset! What is your faith being put in? Now not everything can be bad, per say, as long as it's not overdone, but if we are turning to something time and time again to quell our fears or other emotions, I dare say it's overly done. Do you go jogging and thus, run away from your worries? Maybe you bake or clean. None of these things are bad on their own, but they can be if you are obsessive about them. And certainly if you smoke, drink, do drugs, etc... we all know that these things are not healthy alternatives.
I challenge you to change your focus. How about going to the Word before you do what you usually do. How about taking the situation to God in prayer before you try to drown the thoughts? How soon will it be before you don't need to turn to your normal ways? Wouldn't it be great to have a clear mind to find answers rather than give yourself something else to worry over?? I will do my best to keep you informed of my own journey, let me know about yours!

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