You may wonder why I'm writing about American Idol here on God's Life Lessons. Well it's simple really. If you watched the show, you already know that there were a great many talented people on it. My personal faves were, of course, Kris Allen, Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta. They all have phenominal voices, simply unbelievable. I believe they will all get record deals and become super stars before we know it, but what did Kris Allen have that the others didn't? Why did Kris Allen, labled "The Dark Horse" come out on top, beating even Adam Lambert who seemed to be a 'sure thing'?
That answer is also simple: God and Jesus Christ.
Did you know that Kris Allen was a Worship Leader at New Life Church Maumelle, Arkansas and at the Chi Alpha Campus Ministry at the University of Central Arkansas? Yes, it's a man of God who has been chosen as America's next "Idol". He has done missionary work around the world and is a devout Christian.
Isn't that wonderful?? That just shows that God is still in control.
I am not trying to knock anyone, but the final decision was between Kris and Adam Lambert and although Lambert's voice is absolutely amazing and he can really belt out those notes, of all ranges, God , and apparently the majority of AI fans, were not willing to name Lambert as the winner. Adam's 'choice' of lifestyle is not the role model that America needs now - nor , in my opinion, ever. Though I do love his voice and pray that he will come to know Jesus and realize that his lifestyle is a choice, and one that he can change.
What happened to Allison Iraheta? I'm not sure myself, but obviously she was not America's choice. I seriously look forward to her album when it comes out, however. And what about Danny Gorky? Only time will tell, I suppose. His story was beautiful and heart warming. If you do not know his story, let me sum it up for you. His wife was his inspiration for trying out. She passed away and this was sort of his way of his way of keeping her memory alive, I believe. I applaud him for doing so. And he has a great chance out there too. When he comes out with an album, I will listen to it as well!
I can not say anything about any of the other contestants as I didn't start watching until it was down to the four ( Kris, Adam, Allison and Danny ).
And I am just so thrilled that a man of God is now America's next "Idol"!!
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