
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Free at Last!

Do you feel as if you can't seem to change? Do you have habits that you want to break, but just don't seem to be able to? In his book " Free at Last", Larry Huch shows you the Biblical means of doing just these things and so much more!

This book shows you how you can live truly free.... free of generational curses, and fully in the promises of God! It reveals the power behind the 7 places Jesus shed His blood and how they apply to all of us, right where we are today. It is these 7 places that I want to share with you.

Today I will discuss the first place, but before we get to that, let's travel back into the Garden of Eden. Remember, although Eve was the first to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she was deceived. It was Adam who sinned and handed over the dominion over the earth to the devil. When this happened, mankind lost many,many things. One of the things that Adam handed over was willpower. He did not exert his willpower when Eve asked him to eat the fruit. Instead, like a sheep who must be led, he laid it down and ate the fruit. The good news is that Jesus took back that willpower for us! How? It happened when he first shed His blood....

On the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Not a surprise, but have you ever really looked at that story? I was in awe when I read about this. Jesus had given up His "godhood" to become a man when he came to earth. Yes, he was the Son of God, but He was not God while on earth. He still ate, drank, slept, He even used the bathroom. Yes, Jesus was a man. A man filled with the power of the miracle working God who sent him as the second Adam. As a man, Jesus felt pain when He stubbed His toe. If His mother needed something, He was sure to help her. So on this night, He knew that He was about to endure pain beyond the imagination and though His spirit was willing, He knew this was something He had to do, His flesh was weak and He really didn't want to go to the cross.

Jesus prayed so hard in the garden that night, that he actually sweat drops of blood. Now if you think this was something just made up, that people can't really do that, think again. It has been a proven fact that under extreme duress, the blood vessels and capillaries expand and burst, causes it to come out through the pours and therefore causing one to sweat blood. Although Jesus asked for the cup to pass from Him if possible, He also stated " Not My will, but thine be done." In other words, " God, if you could find another way to do this, please do, that would be great! But I am ready to do what I have to do, to put You first!"

If that wasn't a battle of willpower, I don't know what is! So even as Adam lost our willpower in a garden, Jesus, the second Adam ( the one to fix all the mistakes of Adam and redeem us from the death that Adam's sin condemned us to ), won our willpower back in a garden.

The next time you have to go to the in-laws and think you just can't sit there through another dinner with them, think of that night in the garden. With Jesus on our side, we can do anything!!

If you're trying to quite smoking, or quit eating junk food, and think it's impossible, think again! It's already done! If Jesus can go to the cross and be tortured and finally be killed, surely, we can do these small insignificant things. If He had the strength and willpower to not run and avoid the cross, I believe He will give us the same strength!

Prayer: " Thank you Abba Father, for the love you showed even me when you sent your son to earth. Thank You Jesus that you give us the strength we need to get through even the toughest situation. Thank you that through you we can accomplish anything! I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and ask for your protection, love and grace to be shown in my life and through my life. In Jesus' name, Amen."

PS: If you'd like to know more about Larry Huch and his ministry, please check out:

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