
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No matter who wins Presidency....

I have come to a realization today. It doesn't matter who wins this election. Before you get mad and start thinking that I'm crazy, let me explain myself.

I am speaking from a Christian stand point here. Personally, it is extremely important to me to stand with the nominee who Christ would stand with. And for what I see, I have already expressed that is John McCain and Sarah Palin. But what if Obama wins? How will I deal with that? How would I feel? These were the questions that were posed to me.

Well, to begin with, the very first thought that I had was, it doesn't matter who controls this nation because God still owns and controls it all. All of this, everything in our lives, are gifts from God. Everything belongs to Him, including this nation and it's people. Do I really doubt that God would continue to walk with me and His children if Obama were President? No. In fact, when you study the stories in the Bible, victory often came out of defeat. This is God's way of turning what the enemy made for evil, and using it for His Glory and His Goodness.

Another very important issue came to mind as well. The bible also tells us that we are to pray and interceed for those in authority over us. That doesn't just mean parents, teachers and pastors, but our leaders - our President. When this was written, they didn't have a democratic government in effect. Quite often there totalitarian leaders who persecuted and killed Christians and yet, they were told to pray for them - and respect them.

Whether we agree or disagree with the person who sits in the office of President, whether we love thier policies or condem them, we still MUST respect and pray for the OFFICE. The degrading and complaining about the president, must not happen. After today it will not simply be McCain, but President McCain - or perhaps not Obama, but President Obama. Like it or not, the President deserves our respect.

Now with the election here, our job is NOT done. In fact, our job is only beginning. It is up to us, as Christ followers, to pray our leaders through thier decisions. If they do not already know Jesus, then it is absolutely our responsiblity to pray for thier salvation. I have been praying for a leader that would lead this nation from the position of being on his knees. That our leader would take everything to God in prayer long before a decision is made, and even before the public may know about something happening. It does not matter who gets elected , this will continue to be my prayer.

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