Friday, April 20, 2012
I Took Your Place...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
There is a light in the Darkness

Have you ever seen a night so dark you thought you could sleep with your eyes open? While in a weekend retreat, a friend and I experienced such a night as we walked through the woods on our way to a bonfire. I was holding a feeble excuse for a flashlight. With almost every step along our path we were tripping over limbs and rocks and potholes! As a result, the limited light we had was bouncing uselessly off our path, into the trees and the total blackness surrounding us. Finally, at a turn in the path we stopped to try and compose ourselves. Suddenly, a great light illuminated the area around us. Other friends had caught up to us and their light source was like a truck's high beam!
There is a light greater than I can describe. The light of the Cross.
There, continually shining, Christ illuminates the limbs, rocks, and potholes as we walk with Him in a dark world.
- From "Because of the Cross" by Beverly Courrege
Thank you Lord for being the light in the darkness of this world. I pray, Father, that Your light would shine forth through me, that I may be like a lighthouse showing the way to You. I thank You that You illuminate the things in our lives that would trip us and knock us down. You are the Light of the World, holy and perfect. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Cherokee Indian Rite of Passage Legend

All my needs are met...

Thank you, Lord, for Your great sacrifice. Help me to remember that when I try to take care of myself through worrying and such, that I am taking away your right to care for me. You died to give me life. Thank you can never be enough. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
I Can Be Still....

Monday, April 9, 2012
Because of the cross....
The Same Christ who walked the earth 2000 years ago.
The Same Christ who performed miracles, healed the sick, and cast out demons.
The same Christ who loved the unlovable.
The same Christ who forgave the sinner.
The same Christ who taught His disciples.
The same Christ who was unjustly despised and convicted.
The same Christ who hung dying on a cross one dark and terrible Friday.
The same Christ who rose from the dead three days later.
This same Christ is in the world today.
From "Because of the Cross" by Beverly Courrege
I read this today and it really struck a cord with me. The holidays are not usually a good time for me. Anything that generally means a time for families to gather is usually a time that the enemy uses against me and I become depressed and then I feel guilty because I did not set a very good example. Oh yes, satan tends to have a field day with me! I do not have much family around, my youngest child lives several hundred miles away with his father, my other two children tend to spend the day at their paternal grandparents and often, my husband works. So while I look around and see families gathering for a special breakfast and activities and later a beautiful dinner, I am usually alone. This Easter was no different for me. I spent the day lying around with just the cats & dogs to keep me company for most of the day. By the time others were around, I was in such a funk I just couldn't shake it. And then, of course, came the guilt. I didn't get my kids ( teenagers! ) an Easter basket, I didn't get up before the sun and cook a breakfast for my husband, I didn't have the energy to cook an elaborate dinner ( which would've given us way too many leftovers!), you name it, I felt guilty about it. Then it dawned on me - guilt and condemnation is not from God, my loving and caring Father, but instead it is from my enemy, satan. Ohhh I was so mad at satan when I finally had this epiphany! Then I read this passage. I can celebrate the fact that Jesus died, defeated satan and rose again for me any & every day! There's no need to wait for one special day! Oh how sweet my Jesus is! So even as I was wretched with guilt, God had a plan to show me otherwise. A quick trip to the store today will find me gathering candy for the kids ( at 1/2 price no doubt!) and the devil is under my feet once again!