Friday, June 19, 2009
Promises of the Bible to help through our troubles...
"I myself will be the Shepherd of my sheep, and cause them to lie down in peace, the Lord God says. I will seek my lost ones, those who strayed away, and bring them safely home again. I will put splints and bandages upon their broken limbs and heal the sick. And I will destroy the powerful, fat shepherds; I will feed them, yes--feed them punishment! " Ezekiel 34:15
God is always seeking those who have lost thier way. Some may think that this only pertains to those who do not know God at all, but this is not true. God wishes for ALL of His sheep to be close to Him. He wishes for us to be at peace, as the above verse tells us. He wants us safely home with Him and He will destroy anything that stands in His way - if we will only follow Him. He will heal our brokeness, our infrmities caused my our time away and He will restore us! Here are some other verses to help you get through tough times....
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear: I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
So, do not fear, God is still there and He WILL help you.
"For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts, and tells us that we really are God's children." Romans 8:16
We are children of a KING! Listen to the Holy Spirit, follow His ways. That is God leading you and comforting you.
"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
One of the many promises of the Bible. And one that we ALL must remember!
"So let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need." Hebrews 4:16
Are you a child of God? Then you have full authority to come before His throne and recieve his abundant grace and mercy. He wants us to turn to Him in our time of need. He wants to give us all that we need, just like any good father. Let Him.
I hope that this has brought some comfort and inspiration to even one person. I know that it has helped me. God is so good and I know that even though it looks like I am down and out right now. It may look like I am down for the count and that the enemy has conquered many areas of my life, I know that is a LIE because satan is the father of lies and God is the one true God, the God of Truth and my Redeemer. All that the enemy intends for evil, God will use for good. Hallelujah!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
From Worship Leader to American Idol

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hope Cambodia
Could you imagine that the only water around could possibly kill you if you drink it? What about your child's teeth rotting to a point that when there is food for them they still cry because it hurts so bad? Would you want to have children just to watch them die from hunger? These are things that most of us could not imagine ever having to deal with, but there are millions around the world who live this very scenario everyday.
Think that theres nothing that you can do? Think again! We may not all be able to join a mission trip and go build a hospital or well, but what we can do is support the ministries that can and do do these things. Joyce Meyer ministries is an excellent choice if you want to be a part of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and sheltering the homeless. Please watch this video all about thier ministry in Cambodia.
Want more?
They also have a Dental Truck Outreach...
Please partner today at
*NOTE: This is NOT a paid announcement and this site and author of this site have no affiliation with Joyce Meyer or Joyce Meyer Ministries ( except to support ).*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Cell Phone -vs- The Bible
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.. Makes you stop and think, where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Have tongues passed away?
...As for prophecy ( the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose ), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [ it will lose its value and be superseded by truth]. - 1 Corinthians 13:8
Some people and even some churches teach that the gift of speaking in tongues has passed away. They base this argukent on Paul's first letter to the Corinthians in which he said that one day the spiritual gifts would no longer exist.
However, we know that prophecy and knowledge have not passed away. Those gifts are accepted today by almost all believers and are practiced in some form in almost all churches. Knowledge is sought for worldwide. It certainly has not passed away. Why then should we believe that the spiritual gift of tongues has passed away?
One reason some believers and some churches are opposed to speaking in tongues is that they have seen them abused or misused. But that is nothing new. The same thing was happening in Paul's day. That is why he wrote to the believers in Cointh, instructing them in what he considered the proper operation of the gifts of the Spirit, including speaking in tongues.
In 1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV, Paul instructed the Cointhians on how the spiritual gift of tongues should be exercised in the church service - decently and in order. But nowhere did he say that this gift had passed away or that it should not be recieved and exercised by all believers. In fact, in The Amplified Bible translation of verse 39 he said, not forbid or hinder speaking in [ unknown] tongues.
Yes, Paul found excess in the exercise of the gift of tongues, and he dealt withit. But he did not command or even suggest that tongues should be done away with to get rid of the excess.
Some people teach against things they don't understand or have not personally experienced. This is sad and robs many people of God's fullness for them.
Each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is important and each has a role to play in the life of the believer. These gifts are bestowed upon us for a reason and a purpose. Open your heart to the Lord in faith and trust, allowing Him not only to fill you with His Holy Spirit, but also to impart to you the particular gifts He wants you to have - including the gift of tongues.
Tongues as a Wonderful Gift
I thank God that I speak in [ strange] tongues ( languages) more than any of you or all of you put together.
- 1 Corinthians 14:18
This passage tells us that Paul was grateful for the wonderful privilege of praying in tongues, and he practiced it a great deal in his life.
So should you and I. Once we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we can speak or pray in tongues anytime we choose. We don't have to wait for some special feeling to come over us and move us to do so. Just as we can pray in our native tongue anytime we choose, we can pray in tongues anytime we choose, but the two ways of praying are not the same.
In 1 Corinthians 14:15 Paul clearly shows that praying with the spirit ( by the Holy Spirit ) is not the same as praying with the understanding: Then what am I to do? I will pray with my spirit [ by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding...The great apostle Paul said that he prayed with his mind or understanding, but he also prayed with his mind or understanding, but he also prayed with his spirit.
Of course, it is possible to pray Spirit-led prayers in your own native language, and that is a valuable and right thing to do. But that is not what Paul was talking about in this verse. When he said he prayed with his spirit, he meant that he prayed in other tongues.
Next.... "Have tongues Passed Away?"....
Friday, April 10, 2009
Why Speak in Tongues?
"Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
John 7:38,39 NIV
By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to recieve....
In this passage Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit, Who had not yet been poured out upon believers. When He spoke of the "streams of living water" that would flow from anyone who believed in Him, I believe He was referring to the spiritual language that should be flowing from each of us who have recieved the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Some people say that speaking in tongues is for some believers but not for all. Although it is true that not all believers speak or pray in tongues, I believe all of them could, if they would. As we have seen, all of the believers present in the Upper Room spoke in tongues on the Day of Pentacost, and I believe all believers today can and should do the same.
Why don't all believers speak in tongues today as they did at Pentacost? I don't believe it is because they can't; I believe they are afraid to because they have been taught not to or they think tonngues may be nothing but emotion.
While it is true that some believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit and do not speak in tongues, I don't believe that is God's best for them. If God has poured out His Holy Spirit upon you, I encourage you to receive all the spiritual gifts and abilities He wants to impart to you. God has made them available to you, so you should want to receive them in thier fullness.
But why should all believers receive and exercise the gift of tongues?
As we saw in 1 Corinthians 14:2, when we speak in tongues, we are speaking secrets and mysteries to God. We are saying things in a spiritual language that our enemy Satan cannot understand.
We are also edifying ourselves, as we see in Jude 20: But you, beloved, build yourselves up (founded) on your most holy faith [ make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit.
When we speak in tongues, often we are prophesying great things over our lives, things that we might not be able to accept if we understood what we were saying.
Finally, when we pray in tongues, we are assured that we are praying as we should because the Holy spirit is praying through our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
I want to encourage you not to be afraid of the Holy Spirit and His gifts just because you may not have experienced them. When you ask Him to give you one of His gifts, He will never give you a bad one. To be very honest, these things are hard to explain to anyone who has not experienced them, but once you have experienced them, there is no denying the reality of this wonderful gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Next -" Tongues as a Wonderful Gift".....
Monday, March 30, 2009
Differences in Tongues
For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [ not obvious to the understanding].
But [ on the other hand ], the one who prophesies [ who interprets the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching] speaks to men for thier upbuilding and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation.
I Corinthians 14:2-3
In the study Bible compiled by well-respected Bible teacher and scholar Finis Jennings Dake, there is a note on Acts 2:1-8, which is the account of the disciples speaking in tongues on the Day of Pentacost. Of this incident Dake writes:
"This [ the speaking in tongues] was similar to the Spirit speaking through the prophets in thier own language...only here it was with different languages."
In other words, just as God can speak to us through prophets who are speaking in our own language or a language we can understand, He can also speak to us in unknown languages or languages we do not understand and which jabe to be interpreted for our benefit.
Dake continues, " Though speaking in tongues is done through immediate inspiration by new recipients [ofthe Holy Spirit] when one has this received the gift [ of speaking in tongues], it then becaomes a part of his mental make-up so that he can, if he desires to do so, exercise it without direct inspiration..."
That is, although we may speak in tongues by inspiration of the Holy Spirit at the time we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that does not mean we cannot continue to speak in tongues on our own whenever we choose to do so, such as when we pray.
The reason I included this note from Dake is that many people who speak in tongues at the moment they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit think they can never exercise that particular gift again.
That is wrong.
Once you receieve the gift of tongues, it is yours, and you can exercise it at your ill, which you should do regularly - especially when you pray. But that does not mean that you have the gift of speaking out in tongues in a worship service, which would require interpretation so that everyone who hears can understand the message and be edified by it.
According to Dake, "This is why the vocal gifts of prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues is commanded to be regulated and even judged as to whether it be under direct inspiration or whether the person is exercising a gift of himself."
We must remember that a distinction occurs between tongues as a prayer language and a message from God that is delievered through tongues and interpretation in a worship service.
( To be continued...)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Is Speaking in Tongues for Today?
And they were all filled ( diffused throughout thier souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other ( different, forgein) languages ( tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words]. Acts 2:4
[ In an easrlier chapter] we saw that the Holy Spirit was first poured out upon believrs on the Day of Pentecost when the disciples were all gathered together, waiting for the gift that Jesus reminded them God the Father had promised them.
It is important to note that when the gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the assembled disciples, all 120 of them began to speak in tongues. That gift of speaking in tongues has never been revoked; it is still available too all believers who will receive it today. As we have seen, it is part of the whole range of gifts that are given us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Now about the spiritual gifts ( the special endowments of supernatural energy), brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed. I Corinthians 12:1
I attended church for many years and never heard one sermon or lesson of any kind on the gifts of the Spirit. I did not know what they were, let alone that they were available to me.
Many people are afraid of receiving the Holy Spirit because they don't understand either the Holy Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit. For that reason, I would like to share with you some important Scriptures on this subject.
In I Corinthians the apostle Paul wrote to the church that he had established in the city of Corinth to explain to those new believers something about the nature, operation and purpose of the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows upon people.
In I Corinthians 12 he begins by telling the Corinthian believers that he does not want them to be ignorant of these things. Then he goes on to explain the gifts to them.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Love Him & be saved!
“I will love thee O’Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust, my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies.”
This time is not easy for many people, in fact, most people are having struggles and difficulties in these times of economic distress and worldly upheaval. Hallelujah! There's one that we can always rely on - our Heavenly Father!
Often times I think of things between me and God as they are between myself and my children. For children, especially when they are very young, the parent is almighty. They give thier children strength to do difficult tasks, they keep them safe from harm and in a child eyes, they are worthy of praise. Of course sometimes when teenage-hood hits, this isn't as readily admitted by those same children, but just wait until they are grown, they'll admit it again.
Just as we want to be there for our children, God is there for us. Just as we encourage our children and hold thier hand when things get scary or rough, God holds His hand out to us as well - and we don't have to only hold it then, it's always there! As parents you want all the world for your children. You don't ever want any harm to come to them, though you know it's inevitable. Since you know that it's part of our earthly humanity to face hardships, we simply must stand beside our children and be strong even when they are not. This is how our Heavenly Father is too, only He's even more reliable and trustworthy.
Unfortunatly, in this world, we see many children without the love, strength and support of even one parent, let alone two, but even they can have all that they would ever need in God. We never have to worry if He will be able to come through on a promise or if He'll be there in case we fall. He will always come through because we learn that His Word does not return void. This means that He does not lie.
You say that you don't physically hear his voice booming from the sky? That's okay, neither do I. In fact I think few people would believe anyone heard God in this manner, though He is certainly capable of making that happen! Instead, you must listen to that still small voice, often times called your conscious. You have to read His Word and then claim the promises within as your own! The Bible is His biggest way to communicate with us today, if we'd only take the time to read it and listen to what He has to say.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Are you reading the instructions?

Thursday, March 12, 2009
But by the grace of God...
This verse actually says a lot to me. First of all, I see the point that we are what we are because of God's grace. I, like others, have days when I'm unsure of myself. Maybe I dont really like myself very much, or maybe I just hate being overweight, etc. Well, that's when I first need to remind myself that it's not so much about what I look like on the outside, but the condition of my heart and then I need to remind myself that I am what I am because of God's grace. Just what is grace? Let's look it up in the dictionary. Here are some of the meanings for Grace:
- elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
- a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
- favor or goodwill
- a manifestation of favor
- moral strength
- the excercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred.
- The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon
We could go on and on, but this is enough. So let's replace 'grace' with some of the other words used in it's definition.
But by the 'favor' of God I am what I am.
But by the 'love' of God I am what I am.
But by the 'mercy' of God I am what I am.
But by the 'pardon' of God I am what I am.
Now we know that to be merciful is to hold back what is rightfully deserved in judgment. To favor one is also to be merciful and to pardon someone is to show undeserved mercy. So could we say that we are what we are because God loves us and wants to keep us from judgment? I think we could.
Let's look at the next part of the first sentence: 'and His grace toward me has not been in vain.'.
and His love, favor, mercy and pardon towards me has not been in vain.
To be in vain means : 'without affect or avail; to no purpose ; in an improper or irreverant manner."
I think we could safely say that God's mercy then has a purpose and does affect our lives! But do we allow His purpose for us come to fruit? God wants to use us. He has a purpose for each and everyone of us and that is to do His will and promote the Kingdom of God. Now, we know that we have His grace which allows us to do this, but do we do it?
The next section speaks of working harder than others, BUT we must also remember that no matter how hard we work for something, it's God's grace that brings us through it and to the purpose.
Now God's overall purpose of the advancement of His Kingdom translates differently for each person because we are each made in different ways with different skills and gifts. And these skills and gifts are bestowed upon us with God's grace, mercy, love, kindness, favor and pardon. Some may have a real gift for children - teaching, loving, playing and just overall a good report with children. Now to use that for God could be to volunteer in the church nursery or children's church. To teach children of God's love.
For another perhaps thier gift is being able to cook. One could use that gift by helping in a soup kitchen that delivers the word of God, or maybe by taking food to the needy themselves along with a prayer. Or maybe God would have them in a resturaunt in the community where they can pray over the food as they fix it and therefore pray over the one about to consume it. There are many ways in which God could use this person. My point here is that whatever your gift or your hope for your future, it can be used for the glory of God.
So remember, God loves YOU so much that much like an earthly parent, He only wants the best for us. He demonstrates His love through his grace, mercy, kindness and favor. Instead of condeming you to the life that sinners deserve, He gives us a way out - His Son, Jesus. When we accept Jesus and become co-heirs to the Kingdom of God, then we also become heirs of his grace. He pardons us from eternity of fire and pain, replacing it with everlasting joy, happiness and peace unspeakable. And the next time to want to put yourself down for some little flaw, remember you could have many many more flaws if it werent for God, and then ask Him to help you in your troubled area. He will.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
2009 and Believers
The number 7, and thus the year 2007, marked spiritual perfection and completion. This was the last day of the week and marked the completion of the earth and is mentioned many, many more times in the Bible with this sort of significance.
The number 8, and thus the year 2008, is a number of resurrection and new beginnings. the Feast of Tabbernacles is 8 days long, the transfiguration took place on the 8th day, and there are 8 resurrections in the Bible besides Jesus and the saints, plus many more refrences to the number 8.
That brings us to 9, and thus the year 2009. This number signifies a few things, including: Divine Completeness from the Father, The End, Conclusion and Judgement. For those who are of this earthly world, this can bring about great fear for those who believe in the power of the number. Especially given the world today, one could easily assume that these are truly the last days, and I , for one, believe that could very well be true, but unlike the unbelievers, I am excited!
You see, judgment is reserved for the wicked ( unsaved ) and not for those who follow Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus stood in place of our judgement. He was the pure and spotless lamb given in our place as a sacrifice to end all sacrifices. He took our judgment and once we accept Him as our Savior and His Father as our Father, God's judgment toward us is cast aside and in it's place stands grace and mercy. The judgment that awaits us is for what we have done and not done to promote the Kingdom of God. It is when we will be rewarded, not condemed. God is not here to condem us, but to save us from our own condemnation. By not following God and accepting His plan of salvation, we are condeming ourselves. So.... believers, REJOICE! This is a time of harvest for us, this is our time of Divine completness from the Father!
We must remember, it is God who gives us the victory, as we read in Zephaniah 3:17 " The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory." He is here today, alive and well in each of his followers and it's His strength which brings us the victory over evil and negativity. Instead of reminding yourself that you, like so many others, are struggling with finances, remind yourself that you are rich in the Kingdom of God and that as a believer, you do not live by the world's economy, but by God's - and by the way, He owns it ALL! No matter what struggle you are facing right now, if you simply trust God and give the matter to Him, he will bring the victory!
Here are a couple websites about numbers and thier Biblical meanings. It's quite interesting!