Friday, November 7, 2008
I need prayer....
So, I would be able to work with my son, make sure my daughter gets to and from school, have housework done daily, work on my genealogy project and still bring in an income through AVON. If I made myself a schedule for homeschooling, AVON and my project, I could accomplish it all easily. Homeschooling would a couple hours each day, and then I could alternate days between AVON and the Family tree. Or insteadof alternating, maybe it would be better to take one day for the genealogy and the rest for AVON. I could canvass neighborhoods, drop off books at businesses, talk to people about the AVON opportunity and build my downline.
But, I also know that my husband would be opposed to this. The only way this could be possible is if it was what God was wanting for me and He prepared my husband's heart and mind. I would even work a couple days at my mom's restaurant, if she needed the help, but she doesn't, I don't think.
So, this is why I need prayer. I need clarity from God, if this is an idea from Him. If He's the one telling me that I can make a real go of AVON and still be there for my children and such or if it's the enemy trying to trick me into a long hard road. I know that God would be there for me even if it was the enemy, but my husband would not agree to let me do this. I need to know.....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
No matter who wins Presidency....
I am speaking from a Christian stand point here. Personally, it is extremely important to me to stand with the nominee who Christ would stand with. And for what I see, I have already expressed that is John McCain and Sarah Palin. But what if Obama wins? How will I deal with that? How would I feel? These were the questions that were posed to me.
Well, to begin with, the very first thought that I had was, it doesn't matter who controls this nation because God still owns and controls it all. All of this, everything in our lives, are gifts from God. Everything belongs to Him, including this nation and it's people. Do I really doubt that God would continue to walk with me and His children if Obama were President? No. In fact, when you study the stories in the Bible, victory often came out of defeat. This is God's way of turning what the enemy made for evil, and using it for His Glory and His Goodness.
Another very important issue came to mind as well. The bible also tells us that we are to pray and interceed for those in authority over us. That doesn't just mean parents, teachers and pastors, but our leaders - our President. When this was written, they didn't have a democratic government in effect. Quite often there totalitarian leaders who persecuted and killed Christians and yet, they were told to pray for them - and respect them.
Whether we agree or disagree with the person who sits in the office of President, whether we love thier policies or condem them, we still MUST respect and pray for the OFFICE. The degrading and complaining about the president, must not happen. After today it will not simply be McCain, but President McCain - or perhaps not Obama, but President Obama. Like it or not, the President deserves our respect.
Now with the election here, our job is NOT done. In fact, our job is only beginning. It is up to us, as Christ followers, to pray our leaders through thier decisions. If they do not already know Jesus, then it is absolutely our responsiblity to pray for thier salvation. I have been praying for a leader that would lead this nation from the position of being on his knees. That our leader would take everything to God in prayer long before a decision is made, and even before the public may know about something happening. It does not matter who gets elected , this will continue to be my prayer.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My views on the Presidential Nominees
Ok, so McCain isn't promising all the tax breaks. Can anyone tell me a president who was able to truly come through with all thier promised tax breaks in the past? Maybe there's one that I am not remembering, but I know that many of these politician's make huge promises and then if it's not the senate that doesn't pass a bill, then it's simply that the President never got "around to it". At least McCain's not making some great promise that he knows that he can not live up to. Besides, if we are Christians, then who's economy are we living in?? I tell you now, I do not live in this world's economy. My father is the King above all kings and He owns ALL the riches of ALL the lands. When we follow His will, then He is sure to bless us to overflowing. You can read all of His promises in His Word. The Bible is not old and outdated. It is the LIVING WORD of our LIVING GOD. That means what was good for yesteryear is good for today! So why are we so worried about the financial future of a world that is coming to an end?
NObama is asking us to say it's ok to kill babies - real live human beings - but thinks it's murder when a baby seal is killed. He is even for partial birth abortions! Let me say this... I do NOT believe that it's ok to kill a baby. I don't care if that baby is only 6 weeks along inutero or lying in an incubator having just been born. A human life is a human life. If God has given us a child, even through rape or incest, there is a purpose for that child. If it is too great of a reminder and one doesn't feel that she can raise it without these thoughts - which is understandable - then how about all the people who want to be parents and can't? He is also asking us to say its ok to be gay. God says this is an abomination. No where does He say, well in a couple of thousand years, you can go ahead and let man marry man and woman marry woman, it's all good. NO! He tells us in Leviticus that it is simply an abomination. And do we really think that NObama will be able to come through with all of his tax cut promises? I tell you the promises that are at the top of his "to-do list". Those are the promises made to his terroist friends. The promises that put us as America in so much danger. We won't have to worry long about terrorists because if left up to NObama, he'll have them everyday in our lives, soon we wouldn't even see them as terroroists, but as the guy next door who likes to blow stuff up.
Do we really want to hand our country over to the enemy? Both the seen and unseen enemy is just sitting on the edge of thier seat waiting.
And what about the prophecy given to Sarah Palin? Personally, I believe that she may very well be an Esther that God has sent to this great nation. God is trying to show grace and mercy. He is trying to give this greedy, self-centered nation another chance. But are we listening? I hope so.
If you would like to read blogs on this from a GREAT blog writer, check out this link:
One last thing... PRAY!
"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from thier wicked
ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive thier sin and heal thier land." 2 Chronicles 2:17.
Prayer is not our last option.... it is our only hope!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Clear out the debris...Let the river flow!
Deep inside each of us, there is a river—a river of life. This river is a wonderful gift given to each of us by God. It refreshes, renews and revitalizes our lives. I'm sure all of us have known people from time to time who defied all logic and stayed alive years longer than they should have. Or you may have known people who've been able to keep a positive outlook on life even though terrible things happened to them. Their river ran strong and didn’t stop flowing. On the other hand, there are those who always seem to be down, whether physically or emotionally. No matter what they do, they can't seem to “snap out of it.” Their river has been stopped-up, and only a little trickle seems to pass through. God places this river in every one of us. It flows with good health, a positive outlook on life, and a generous and forgiving attitude. Ideally, this river flows freely through us. When we allow this flow and keep our well from getting plugged-up, there's a peace or an ease—a current that takes us along—and everything seems easier. Good things come our way. When wonderful opportunities are presented to us, we're ready for them. Many people, however, have allowed their well to become stopped-up. Years of neglect have caused the river, which used to flow powerfully, to become choked down to just a small stream. Everything's hard—nothing comes easy. People with a stopped-up well have to strive for things that come easily to others. It's as if they've become mired in a mud hole and every step is a struggle. Do you know people like this? Does this sound like your life? I once had a stopped-up well in my life. I struggled to tap into the river that I knew was in me. I was constantly digging dry wells—working on projects and chasing ideas that were disappointing and unfulfilling. I believed that if I could just make something work, I would be happy; I would find peace and fulfillment. I would strive after these things every day, but never found the peace I was looking for. I found that over the years I had allowed my well to become stopped-up with “stones” and “debris.” The river no longer flowed freely, and I was miserable. Although I didn't realize it at the time, I really struggled with issues like unforgiveness, anger, selfishness, offense and disobedience. These issues became like stones, dirt and debris that had caused my well to become stopped-up. With God's help, these issues are being dealt with one by one in my life. It's been a long process, but the stones are much smaller today than they used to be. The river in me flows much stronger now. Are you tired of your life being dry, confused and without direction? Are you weary of having to strive for everything in life? Just remember, until you're able to get your well cleared out and unplugged, everything will be difficult, disappointing and unfulfilling. No matter what you try, you'll be unable to taste the water from that river. And that water satisfies like nothing else. Remember, God put a river of life inside each of us. We just need to tap into that stream by clearing up what blocks its flow. God can help you forgive, see the needs of those around you, and let go of past hurts or wrongs. He wants to help you deal with the “stones” and “debris” that are stopping up your well. Make a choice today to stop spending your life fighting, struggling and trudging through the mud with every step. Stop taking inventory of what you've lost, and take a good look at what you've got left. Ask God to help you clear out the debris. Then enjoy the satisfying flow of the river of life!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Widow's Oil
" Elisha replied to her, 'How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?'
'Your servant has nothing there at all, ' she said, ' except a little oil.'
Elisha Said, ' Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to the side.'
She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, ' Bring me another one.', But he replied, ' There is not a jar left.' Then the oil stopped flowing."
In the natural we find a widow woman who needed to put food on her table andGod, through Elisha, gave her an abundance of oil to sell, but what else is God trying to tell us?
God has given us a mighty gift! He has given us His Son as a sacrfice and His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Even if we think that we have nothing to offer God, no talents, no money, nothing....we still have God's Spirit and therefore His anointing OIL.
We must step out in faith, without question, and seek those empty jars which are lost souls. Our neighbors are not mearly the people to the right and left of our home. They aren't simply the people who live across the street, but they are the people we come in contact everyday! We must gather the empty vessels and tuck them away for God. We must go before God, shutting the door to the ways of the world and allow His Spirit to move upon the empty jars. Let the LORD fill the jars through us and then set them aside, for Him. We must do this over and over and over again... staying locked away from the worldly ways and committed only unto God as we bring every empty vessel before Him to be filled, until each and every person has been filled with the Holy Spirit! Then, and only then, will the anointing stop flowing. It may stop, but it doesn't go away! When the woman was done filling all the jars she could find, did the oil dry up? Did the jars suddenly become empty again? Did her own jar ever empty? No, No and No! It was God's goodness, His Glory that continued to fill and pour out from her jar and it was His Glory that continued to fill each jar once they had been filled. His Glory, His Goodness, His Anointing Oil continues to fill us! That oil is still ever so precious and valuable. It never depreciates!
The LORD is looking for the "widow women" to go out in faith and spread his Word, bring in his sheep and fill his empty jars! It is the time of filling, it is the time for His Spirit to be poured out among all the land. He wants to show us the lost, He wants to bring them to us, but are we willing to close the door and do His will?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Prayers for the Leaders of our Nation
Dear Father, in Jesus' name I lift up our president to You. I know that our leader's heart is in Your hand, so I ask You to guide the head of our nation in the way You would have him to go.
Father, I pray that You would surround our president with wise councel - men and women of integrity who place Your agenda and the good of this nation above thier own and whose motives are for that which is right.
I pray that You would give our leader discernment, understanding and knowledge so that our nation may know stability internally and abroad.
I give thanks for our president according to Your Word and thank You for working in and through his leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives in godliness and honesty.
Scriptual refrences:
1 Timothy 2:1-2 ; Romans 13:1 ; Proverbs 28:2 ; Proverbs 21:1 ; Proverbs 16:10 ; Proverbs 8:15
" Direct my thought, words and work, wash away my sins in the immaculate Blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit...Daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son Jesus Christ. " - George Washington 1st US President
Prayer and our Nation
Individuals praying can have amazing results, but imagine if we formed intercessory prayer groups that focused specifically on our nation?? The following is taken from a small booklet called " Pray for our Nation : Scriptual Prayers to Revive our country " published by Harrison House. You can find more info on this at . I would like to follow this post with specific prayers from the book. I hope that you will join me in prayer for the United States, if you live here, and keep your own country in prayer if you are elsewhere.
"Faith, courage, and prayer birthed our great nation and guided America through more than 200 years of wars, natural disasters and nation crisis.
Prayer is a freedom guaranteed to us by our Constitution, and a God-given right to all humanity. The opportunity to pray is a privilege, honor and sacred duty.
History has proven that forces will wage war against our freedom. Terroism has shed blood on American soil. Violent crime has invaded American homes and schools. Drugs and alcohol abuse rage against the innocence of our youth. Forces of darkness threaten our morality, integrity and faith. Prayer for our nation is our defense.
Now is the time to be resolte in our defiance against the forces of destruction - to unite as a nation and not succeumb to fear. Americans must stand strong and remain bold in faith, courage and prayers.
The nation needs your prayers. The president, his advisors, Congress and all local and national leaders need your prayers. The armed forces, firefighters and law enforcement personnel need your prayers.
Often people are unsure how to pray. This book ( the following passages ) is designed to provide answers to your questions. It is the sincerity of the heart that determines a successful prayer, not the length, eloquence or level of vocabulary. Each prayer is based on biblical scriptures so that you can pray in confidence, knowing you are praying God's will for this nation. ...
Make a commitment to pray daily for your nation. Pray the prayers included within these pages with heart, purpose and passion. Minutes can change crisis into hope when you take the time to pray. Your heavenly Father is listening. He loves you and this nation."
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from thier wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive thier sin, and will heal thier land. - 2Chronicles 7:14
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rend your heart!
"Even now, declares the LORD, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity."
Let's start with the definition of "rend" :
To tear or split , usually clothing or hair, as a sign of anger, grief or dispair. It can also mean to lacerate mentally or emotionally. Or to pierce with sound.
In Biblical days it was common for one to tear his clothing as a sign of grief, anger or dispair. We may not see this so much these days, but this still applies. It's second nature, or maybe first for some, to put on a face that goes along with what we say.... such as when you appologize for bumping into someone, your face usually matches your words....until you look away and then many times thats when the grumbling and finger-pointing starts. " Well maybe if you knew how to stay on your own side you wouldnt be running into people! ", you may speak harshly under your breath. This is exactly what the Word is talking about here.
To rend the clothing ( or put on an act ) is an outward expression and doesn't always ring true to what the heart is doing. The Word is calling for us to cry out and lacerate our hearts, with true repentance, removing the sin which holds us. He wants our TRUE repentance and wants us to turn from our ways and back to Him.
You may think that weeping and fasting is an outward expression, and it is, to a degree. But they are also emotional and spiritual. When we fast, we are making a sacrifice, and when done properly and for the right reasons, there is a change made in our hearts and spirits.
Are you rending your heart? Or have you simply done the actions? The LORD simply wants us to turn to Him with all of our hearts. Just as He commanded us to love him with all our hearts, all our minds and all our strength.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Disciple's Fast
This could be an addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking, sex, food.....whatever has control of your life. You know those times when you say, " I just couldn't help myself!" ? This is an example of an addiction that has control of your life.
Something to remember when you are considering a fast. FASTING DOES NOT MAKE GOD HEAR US BETTER OR ANSWER US FASTER! Then what's the point of fasting, you ask? For one thing it's symbolic, but while being symbolic, it can have a real effect on our life. When we fast, whether it's food or TV or whatever, we are making a sacrifice of ourself in order that we may grow closer to the Lord. In growing closer, you reap several benefits, one of which is learning His voice. Fasting also helps us to discipline ourselves and our bodies. In other religions, Fasting is used to search one's own soul and for inner reflection. In Christianity, Fasting is used to search out God and reflect upon Him.
These "addictions" are also known as besetting sins. They happen when we unknowingly believe the enemy ( satan ) and his lies. Many Christians are in bondage to such besetting sins, and they are any sins that can not be broken with ordinary "willpower".
Jesus tells us in John 8:44 that " He is a liar" speaking of satan. In besetting sins, Satan gets us to believe one of the following three lies ( otherwise called "compulsions" ):
1. I tried before, and can't break it.
2. I don't want to do this, but can't help it.
3. I need an answer, but can't find it.
This is contrary to what the Word tells us, which is, "All things are possible for those who are in Christ Jesus and are called according to His purpose". Believing God instead of Satan isn't always that easy, however. Satan has convinced us that we are powerless against that sin which we are under, but " He who the son set's free is free indeed"! We are NOT powerless, but with Christ, we are ALL POWERFUL!
The Disciple's Fast is then a good way to break this chain which binds and show yourself that through Christ, you are NOT powerless!
You make a life-freeing CHOICE to be delivered!
You recognize that an external power is responsible for your bondage.
You confess your previous lack of faith.
You specifically state your besetting sin.
Write it down! Write down the thing that you are fasting for. And now, it's important to also note that you should fast for one thing at a time so that your prayer time can be better focused. And when you write down the thing you are fasting about, things begin to happen...
* You strengthen your will by stating what you want.
* You focus your energies on the problem.
* You build up anticipation to break the problem.
* You build up your faith in God to expect an answer.
Fasting is not a one time, cure-all, problem solver. It may take many times or it may only take once, but you keep on doing it!!
6 Steps to Freedom:
1. I renounce...( besetting sin / counterfeit control )
2. I acknowledge... ( self deception )
3.I forgive...( whoever you need to forgive, so that you may have forgiveness and freedom )
4. I submit...( God's authority and those He has placed over you. )
5. I take responsibility...(for your own part in your sin. We must confront the problem with humility )
6. I disown...( sinful influences. That may mean the sin of others and thier influence in our lives - past, present and future. )
There is so much more that I would like to share, so much I am leaving out from my findings and studies! Let me give you one more thing which is an outline of what you can write down to prepare for this fast...
AIM: Achieving freedom from addiction, or from a besetting sin.
AFFIRMATION: I believe there is no earthly temptation that can ensalve me, but that God has a wat of escape for me ( see 1Cor 10:13 ). I believe in the power of the blood of Chirst and in the strength of the name of Christ ( see Acts 3:16; 16:18). Therefore, I am fasting because I want the Son of God to make me free indeed ( see John 8:36 )
VOW: God being my strength, and grace being my basis, I commit myself to the disciple's fast outlined here.
FAST: Foods from which I shall abstain:________________________
BEGINNING: Date and Time I will start fasting: __________________
END: Date and time I will stop: _______________________________
PURPOSE: I am fasting to: _________________________________
BIBLE BASIS: " To loose the bands of wickedness" ( Isa 58:6 )
RESOURCES NEEDED: __________________________________
Signed: ____________________________ Date: ______________
( Taken from "Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A guide to nine Biblical fasts " by Elmer L. Towns )
Monday, June 16, 2008
The LORD stands firm!
" The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment.
He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice.
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."
When I first read this, I thought " Hallelujah, He is my stronghold! " , but as I re-read it, I realized there was much more to this! You see, our Lord is a righteous, just ruler and judge. He has come to establish His kingdom. We, as His children, are a part of that kingdom. Not only can we always turn to Him for strength but also for refuge.
According to Websters Dictionary refuge is a noun meaning:
1. shelter or protection from danger or distress
2. a place that provides shelter or protection
3. something to which one has recourse in difficulty
This means that we can turn to Him for protection and shelter when there is danger or when we are in distress! And when we look at recourse, we see even more....
According to Websters Dictionary, recourse is a noun meaning:
1. (a) a turning to something or someone for help or protection (b) a source of help or strength.
2. The right to demand payment from the maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument.
The "Right to demand payment..." Now we don't tell God what to do, because then it would be "my will be done" and not "thy will be done", but according to this..." The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,..." If you are a child of God, then you have no reason to be oppressed and with God as your refuge, you have the right to demand to be set free! ( Which our freedom is found through Jesus Christ! )
Essentially the above says: The LORD is something to which we have the right to demand payment from as the maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument which is Jesus Christ.
God sent His son, he used Jesus to buy us. Jesus was the "check" which bought our freedom from sin and if we will simply claim what is already ours!!
This is a great enough point, but let's add to it. It also says " Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD have never forsaken those who seek you." (verse 10 ) Those who know the LORD as thier refuge, those who have demanded thier freedom and thier protection from thier distress and sin will trust Him because they know, they KNOW that the LORD will never forsake them. They know that when they cry out, He always answers.
Even when we wander away from God and start making choices without Him. Maybe we begin to go our own way and eventually get so far away from Him that we think there's no way He's even close. When we think that we have moved so far away that there's no hope.... that's when we have the most hope!!
We can NEVER go too far away. Even when we make the wrong choices, He is there. He is always close by, even if we can't see Him for the clouds ( sin and confusion ), He is like a mighty mountain unseen in those clouds, but He is still there. He is still our pillar of strength, our strongtower, our rock and our recourse and refuge. He will answer if we will just call out!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
What do you believe will help you?
I have found that when I'm sad, lonely, depressed, scared, uncertain, and even when I feel fat, I turn to FOOD! How dumb is that?? Oh gee, I'm fat so I guess I'll have a bowl of ice cream! Until I really began to think about this and until God laid this all on me, I had no idea just how silly that really was. You see, I turn to this stuff for comfort. Do you know what finding comfort in something is liken to? It's like having faith in something. You take comfort because you have faith that something will be a certain way.
Now, can that food take away my obesity? Certainly not, but it *can* make it worse. Can that food take away my sadness and truly make me happy? Usually I ended up even more sad because I think of the calories I just ate. Can food make me any safer, can it protect me? If so, let me tell you, I'd be the most protected woman I know! Can food help me to discern what to do, make me more certain? No, but I can certainly eat plenty while trying!
The point here is this: When we are feeling any of these negative emotions, when we have an upheaval in our lives, when things don't look so bright, and when we aren't sure of our next move we need to turn somewhere that can actually HELP us! What would life be like if we turned to faith in God and His Word? How would our life change? Wouldn't it be wonderful to not worry? For me, I know that I am going to try to remember where I need to turn.
Every time I eat when I get upset, all I'm doing is adding to the reasons I am upset! What is your faith being put in? Now not everything can be bad, per say, as long as it's not overdone, but if we are turning to something time and time again to quell our fears or other emotions, I dare say it's overly done. Do you go jogging and thus, run away from your worries? Maybe you bake or clean. None of these things are bad on their own, but they can be if you are obsessive about them. And certainly if you smoke, drink, do drugs, etc... we all know that these things are not healthy alternatives.
I challenge you to change your focus. How about going to the Word before you do what you usually do. How about taking the situation to God in prayer before you try to drown the thoughts? How soon will it be before you don't need to turn to your normal ways? Wouldn't it be great to have a clear mind to find answers rather than give yourself something else to worry over?? I will do my best to keep you informed of my own journey, let me know about yours!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Confessions and Affirmations
* I love all people, and I am loved by all people.
* I prosper in everything I put my hand to. I have prosperity in all areas of my life - spiritually, financially, mentally, and socially.
* All my children have lots of Christian friends, and God has set aside a Christian wife or husband for each of them!
* All my household are blessed in thier dees: we're blessed when we come in and when we go out.
* I take good care of my body. I eat right, I look good, I feel good and I weight what God wants me to weigh.
* I operate in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are tongues and interpretation of tongues, the working of miracles, discerning spirits, the word of faith, the work of knowledge, the word of wisdom, healings and prophecy.
* I know God's voice, and I always obey what He tells me.
* The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost.
* I do all my work excellently and with great prudence - making the most of all of my time.
* I am creative because the Holy Spirit lives in me.
* I love to pray. I love to praise and worship God.
* I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. I will speak forth the righteousness of God all the day long.
* I have humbled myself, and God has exalted me.
* I am a giver. It is more blessed to give than to recieve. I love to give! I have plenty to give away all the time.
* I cast all my care on the Lord for He cares for me.
* I don't give the devil a foothold in my life. I resist the devil, and he has to flee from me.
* I don't have a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.
* I am not afraid of the faces of man. I am not afraid of the anger of man.
* I am a new creature in Christ: Old things have passed away, behold, all things are new.
* I have died and been raised with Christ and am now seated in heavenly places.
* I am dead to sin and alive unto righteousness.
* I am a doer of the Word. I meditate on the Word all day long.
* I am not passive about anything, but I deal with all things in my immediately.
* I do not judge my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus after the flesh. I am a spiritual man and am judged by no one.
* I take every thought captive unto the obediance of Jesus Christ, casting down every imagination, and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
* I am a responsible person. I enjoy responsibility, and I rise to every responsibility in Jesus.
* I have been set free. I am free to love, to worship, to trust with no fear of rejection or of being hurt.
* I have compassion and understanding for all people.
* I catch the devil in all of his decietful lies. I cast them down and choose rather to believe the Word of God.
* I am anointed by God for ministry. Alleluia!
* Work is good. I enjoy work. Glory!
* I have a teachable spirit.
* I do not think more highly of myself than I ought to in the flesh.
* Pain cannot successfully come against my body because Jesus bore all my pain.
* I am a teacher of the Word.
* I lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
* I do what I say I will do , and get where I am going on time.
* God opens my mouth, and no man can shut it. God shuts my mouth, and no man can open it.
* The Law of kindness is in my tongue. Gentleness is in my touch. Mercy and compassion is in my hearing.
* As a man thnketh in his heart, so is he; therefore, all of my thoughts are positive.
* I do not allow the devil to use my spirit as a garbage dump bu meditating on negative things that he offers me.
* I am a believer not a doubter.
* No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, but every tongue that rises against me in judgement, I shall show to be in the wrong.
* I am slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger.
* I cast out devils and demons; nothing deadly can hurt me.
* I never bind a sister or brother with the words of my mouth.
* I am always a positive encouragment. I edify and build up; I never tear down or destroy.
* I will cry to God most high who performs on my behalf and rewards me.
* My son/daughter ( name ) has a sweet personality, and is not rebellious.
* I don't speak negative things.
* My children love to pray and study the Word. They openly and boldly praise God.
* My children make right choices according to the Word of God.
* I am an obediant wife, and no rebellion operates in me.
* My husband is wise. He is the king and priest of our home. He makes Godly decisions.
* I use my time wisely. All of my prayer and study time in wisely spent.
* I waslk in the Spirit all the time.
* My car is paid for.
* I am rich - very rich
* I love to bless people and spread the Gospel.
* I am an intercessor.
* I recieve speaking engagements in person, by phone, and/or by mail everyday.
* My daughter / son ( Name ) operates in Godly wisdom and discipline, and is full of energy.
* We have all the new furniture we need. We have a new car.
* I never get tired or grow weary when I study the Word, pray, minister, or praise God; but I am alert, and full of energy. And as I study, I become more alert and more energized.
* I will to study the Word of God. I will to pray.
* I do not hate or walk in unforgiveness
* I do not fear. I am not guilty.
NOTE: These are simply the things that Joyce Meyer confessed over her life. Some of these may not apply to you, and then again, there may be things that you need that are not on here. You do not need to confess each of these, unless the Lord leads you to and He may show you other areas in your life in which you need help. Let the Spirit guide you!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Deborah Anointing
There's something that many of todays Christians either do not realize or do not accept, and that's the spiritual side of life. Spiritual warfare is VERY real and it's happening everyday, all day and everywhere! This is something that I began to learn about about a year ago or so, but never really got serious about. I guess I figured it wasn't for me. Then the other night at this church that I recently began to go to with my mom, I had a prophetic word spoken over me which concerned me and the Deborah Anointing.
The what? Well, if this was your reaction, you're not alone! I had no idea what they were talking about, but I was excited to find out! I knew that Deborah had been the only woman judge , I knew she was a prophetess, and that was about it. So, I hit the 'net. In doing so I also found where I would find her story in the Bible ( Judges 4 and 5 )
The things that I have found out are amazing! But before I tell you some of the things that I have learned, let me tell you a bit about my past, give you some knowledge of where I've been so that where I'm going may make more sense to you.
I went to a Baptist private school from Kindergarden until 7th grade. I went to the same church until I was probably 15 or 16 I think. I hated this church, however, I had to go to it until then. At that point we changed churches and I was dating a guy who went to a different church and I went to his quite often. Anyhow, the Holy Spirit was at work in me. I loved the Lord and even started a Bible study group after school, but the enemy was quick to sneek in and I wasn't equipped or ready for him. I was 17 when I left the church, vowing to never go back, and I stepped into the world of the occult for the next 10+ years.
Now as I learn about this anointing, I can see where the Lord has either readied me for it by sending certain things my way, or I can see where perhaps I had already walked in it long ago or even where God has used circumstances to bring this anointing about. I can also see where certain things about the anointing simply fit into my personality.
Deborah, as we have said, was a prophetess ( Judges 4:4 ) and she was a judge with an anointing of wisdom, councel and discernment. [ I've often been the one people have come to in order to settle disputes and when I was in the occult I was referred to as the crone because of wisdom.]
The Bible tells us that Deborah sat between Ramah- which means "high place", the place where idolatry was practised - and Bethel - which means " house of God." . Deborah sat between these two which is a symbol of standing the "gap", or of high-level warfare and intercession. [ Something I had already begun to practice, though not devotely ]
Deborah was called " mother in Israel " which denotes an apostolic anointing which recognizes, nurtures and releases the anointings and giftings in others. I will go further into the apostolic anointing in another entry and I have devoted time to researching this one as well.
The name Deborah means " bee, in the sense of it's orderly motion". Since names in Biblical times often represented the person, this would denote that she had her life in order and walked in maturity with Christ. Jesus came 1st in her life. The presence of Jesus was with her wherever she went and people were blessed by her because of Him [ Something I pray for on a daily basis ].
She was a strong leader who possessed authority that she could only get from God. She walked in the confidence of Christ. She knew the Lord's voice and was quick to obey it. [ This is something else that I have been praying for! ]
The part that stands out the most for me is the spiritual warfare. I was ( and still am ) so repentant about the many years that I spent on the wrong side of the track , so to speak, and now He is using that time to His benefit! Now I get to war against all that I used to war for! Of course, I didn't realize back then that I was waring against God. I honestly thought that I was okay. I'm sure glad that He showed me otherwise!!
So even though satan just knew that he had won when it came to me and he probably figured that I would always be held back because of it, God just laughs, and uses me anyhow. Isn't God SO Good and SO amazing?!?!?!
Check back often as I actually have a lot that I have been learning about and would love to share with you as I go. I can already think of at least 2 more posts coming - and that's just from today's research!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Now, on to Todd Bentley's tattoos....
I have heard so much garbage about this, and some of it is just down right ridiculous! Of course, much of what I have heard against Bentley and this movement is ridiculous, but let's start with his tattoos. There is one tat that I am unsure of on his leg. It does look a bit odd to be on a evangelist's leg, but if I asked Todd why it's there, I'm sure I would understand his answer - I trust his judgement, as a man of God, he would not put something on his body to distract and desecrate his body as it is a living temple to the Holy Spirit ( for those of you who do not believe that he is a man of God, keep reading and pray for wisdom, understanding and insight. ) You can see pics and read thier version here >
**As I stated before, this blog is not meant to offend or discredit anyone who is opposed to Bentley or the Florida Outpouring. I am simply supporting him and this movement and giving the answers that God has given me as I have studied all that has been said, read The Word and sought after God and His guidance. If you have not done these things, then I suggest that you do. Do not let man sway you one way or the other, simply look straight ahead to the Father and his will **
1.On his right forearm is a Star of David ( Jewish Symbol - Star with six points ) that has been called a pentagram. This is FAR from the truth!
2. Even the ring on his middle finger of his right hand ( Lion ) has been linked to the occult by some. I have a REALLY big problem with this considering that Jesus himself is described as being a mighty lion, and THIS is what Bentley is symbolizing here.
3. The Hebrew letter stands for "The Spirit of the Lord." It symbolizes Divinity and Gentility. This letter appears twice in the full Name of God and, together with yod, forms the Divine Name YAH. According to tradition, the World to Come was created through utterance of the letter yod. This World was created through the sound of hey, which is pronounced as a mere exhalation of breath, requiring little movement from tongue or lip.
4. Flames shooting down towards his hands - Many people have described the feeling they have when healed as "fire"
5. Revelation 4:7 - and this is bad , why??
6. The all seeing eye(?) First of all, we can not see the full context from which this was taken. Secondly, there are many symbols which were once used for things of God that got twisted into pagan ideas.
7. They claim that there is an inverted cross on his left hand, however, that depends on how you're viewing it now doesn't it? It sure looks right to me.
8. "On thumb letters can't read them." FAITH - across his fingers it say's " Love " and " Hope" respectively.
9. "An alien gray by the watch" I don't know how people come up with this stuff sometimes! I see NO alien and the only thing that could even possibly be askewed enough is called tribal, in blue.
10. They speak of a rose being an occult symbol - I'm really beginning to think that they could find an occult definition to go with virtually anything that we give 'em.
11. "King of...Lord" - It's King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
12. A demonic face (?) The only thing I see thats questionable is the one on his leg that I've already addressed.
13. They also mention the eagle on his arm, and at least they don't completely call it pagan. I think of it as symbolizing freedom which we have through Jesus Christ.
14. They even have something to say about the sun.
The point here is this - Each of these things COULD be translated into a few different things, so why must we assume that it's the wrong one? Honestly, I think that there is so much controversy because of a few things.... I believe that it's the more conservative branches that are picthing a fit because it's something different. I remember when I was a kid and went to a fundamentalist Baptist church, I thought they were going to pass out when we have a revivalist come in and people raised thier hands to praise and spoke in tongues! These things are spoke of in the Bible! But we'll get to that. I also think that this is such a controversy because the enemy is making it one. God is showing His people His power, He is showing the lost miracles and proclaiming his territory through healings and salvations, and the enemy simply can not stand that so many people are realizing who they are in God. So many Christians are finding that through the blood of Christ, there is power! They are realizing that they have the authority to proclaim healing and take charge of thier lives through Jesus. The enemy is using us against ourselves, and we are letting him!!
Let's move on to learn about the Holy Spirit.
Many believers are resisting this movement and calling it a work of the devil because it is unfamiliar to them. They only see demon possession as being the answer to people shaking or simply lying down. Do we assume that the devil and his minions are so strong that they can do this to a person and the Holy Spirit isn't so strong? I sure hope that's not what anyone would think. The thing is that demons overtake a person by force, they often times kick them out, so to speak, in that they ( the person ) doesn't even know what they are doing and have no control at all. The Holy Spirit comes when asked. Yes, He resides within us at all times, but we do not feel His presence all the time. When we ask, and praise and desire the Spirit to show himself, he does. This affects each person a bit differently. For some people it may be such a strog feeling that they pass out for a few minutes, but most of the time, they are aware and are not passed out, but instead simply basking in the presence of God, knowing they are safe and not wanting to move. During fervent prayer and worshiping, I sometimes find my hand shaking, and I know that I rock back and forth when seated while praying and worshiping. Anyhow - The Spirit may make Himself known in any number of ways, it depnds on how you open yourself to Him.
The Bible tells us many times of the Holy Spirit. Let's look at a few of those passages.
On speaking in toungues and groans:
" In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8: 26-27
"Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues." 1 Corinthians 14: 39
On The gifts of prophesy and tongues read 1 Corinthians 14: 1-25
" For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." Isaiah 44:3
" And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both mena nd women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." Joel 2:28-29
" I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandles I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." Matthew 3:11
On visions of Jesus, we have Stephen..." But, Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God." Acts 7:55
Acts 8:15-19 "When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might recieve the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptitized into the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed thier hands on them and they recieved the Holy Spirit.. When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money and said," Give me also this ability so that everyone on whome I lay my hands may recieve the Holy Spirit." Now we know that we can not buy the Spirit and Simon was told as much too.
The Word is full of passages on the Holy Spirit. We should remember that Gog can and will show himself any way He so chooses.
I've heard a lot saying that a revival isn't for the believers but to save the lost. I must differ here. First of all, it's for both. The revival itself helps to fire up the believers. The word "revival" means to bring back to life, to revive.... such as to bring the life back into the body of Christ. Without life in the body, the body can not grow. Without the church and it's members being on fire for God, then souls will not be won and lives will not be saved!! I believe that these people have confused revival with evangilism. Evangelism is spreading the gospel to unbelievers so that they may know the Lord, but Revival is bringing life back into a lifeless church, by the conviction and guidance of the Holy Spirit in order that they may have a closer walk with God.
We'll cover what revival means and what it looks like more later. We'll also examine other facets of this current revival that some are uncomfortable with. Please feel free to leave me comments, ask questions, etc.. Thank you!
" Dear, Heavenly Father, I come before you now, lifting up all those who read this blog, Lord. I thank you, and I praise you for each person, I thank you for Your Spirit which works in them for them to read this. I pray Lord for Your Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation for each of us. I pray, Abba, for Your Spirit of Truth and Understanding, that we may see, and recognize all that is of you and rebuke all that is not of you. Thank you, Daddy, for all that you are, and for all that You make us through your Son, Jesus. It's in His name that I pray. I plead the blood of the Lamb upon my family and upon my readers, open closed eyes, heal wounded hearts and save lost souls, in the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen. "
Todd Bentley is the man who has dedicated his life for the past month and a half to revival for God. He is from Canada, is married and has 3 kids, I think. He runs Fresh Fire Ministries ( ) up in Canada and has been a world wide evangelist for about 10 years now. The plan in Lakeland was for a 5 day revival, it's now been , I believe, 49 days. For more information on this revival and for testimonies, please check out the Fresh Fire website ( listed above ) and/or . This revival has been like none other. Hundreds, if not thousands of people have given thier lives to God and at least the same number have experianced miracles and healings.
I'm attempting to write this without stepping on any toes, but I am also going to put things plain and simple, so if you are offended, please know that is not my intention.
Many denominations of the Christian religion are more conservative. These appear to be the ones who have a problem with this movement. They list things such as ....
1. Todd Bentley has tattoos - yes, he got them AFTER his conversion - Time and time again, I have seen Leviticus 19:28 quoted as to why there is a problem with his tattoos.... " Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord." ( NIV ) ( KJV: " Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am the Lord." )
I would say that this is a good point..... but there are a couple problems with this logic. First of all, this is part of the law in which Jesus came to set us free of.
Romans 8:1-4 " Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit." ( NIV )
Galations 2:16 " know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Jesus Christ that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified."
Galations 3:12-14 " The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, ' The man who does these things will live by them.' Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed in everyone who is hung on a tree.' He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit."
Galations 3:19 ; 23-25 " What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whome the promise referred had come. The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator." " Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law."
If , for some unknown reason, a person would rather live under the slavery of the law instead of simply receiving God's gift of His Son and His mercy, then let's take a look at the other laws in Leviticus 19. There are many laws here, and some of them we know from the Ten Commandments, and some are simply one's that we are taught such as " Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another. " ( Lev 19: 11 ) So let's look at the other, less obvious ones.
" When you sacrifice a fellowship offering to the Lord, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf. It shall be eaten on the day you sacrifice it or on the next day; anything left over until the third day must be burned up. If any of it is eaten on the third day, it is impure and will not be accepted. Whoever eats it will be held responsible because he has desecrated what is holy to the Lord; that person must be cut off from his people. " (verses 5-8 )
So according to this , we should still be making physical, edible sacrifices. I wonder how many people actually do this....
" Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight." ( verse 13b ) Oh boy, we're ALL in trouble!
"Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." ( Verse 19b ) Does this need comment?
" Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it." ( verse 26a) How do you like your steak cooked?
" Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard." ( verse 27 ) And I can assume that everyone throwing verse 28 up is Orthodox Jews and follow this one, right?
" When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. " ( verse 33 -34a ) I wonder if this works for the states too, not to mention others who come from other countries.
And finally, " Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the Lord." ..... I'll take the heavenly grace please!!
Next, we can discuss whats said about the tattoos he has and move on to the next point that has been made against this movement and Todd Bentley.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My Vision
I have wanted a child for quite some time now - I have 3, but I want another, since my husband doesn't have any of his own - and I know that I will bear another child, I believe it will be a son. He will be used by God in many ways and God has a great plan for his life, if he will only submit. After I have this child, I will not return to regular work. I believe that the Lord will make it so I do not have to work outside the home in a conventional way. I believe that the Lord will help me to increase my customer base with AVON and I believe He will move me into a ministry position for Him - I don't know where and what. I don't know just how God will make this all happen, but I know that He will.
He will also make a way for a new car, one that is reliable and nice. He will give us a home to call our own as well. We will have the finances to pay our current bills and we will climb out of debt . We are children of a King, Princes and Princesses , and the Lord wants us to have provisions as such. I am the head and not the tail, I have set my feet upon the solid ground of the Lord and I will not be moved. In Him, I find my treasures. He is my first and greatest Love and as long as I commit to Him first, He will commit to me first!! As a child of the King, I am due a great inheritance. An inheritance is something that is already owned, you don't have to work for it, you'll get it simply because of WHO YOU ARE! and I know who I am! And in the wonderful, glorious name of Jesus, I claim this inheritance and His blessings. I proclaim that His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! I renounce the spirit of poverty and debt! I renounce the spirit of struggle! I renounce the spirit of low-self-worth! I renounce the spirit of slavery to the enemy!
Through His love, His grace and His mercy, my cup is overflowing and I have more than enough! More than enough money, more than enough love, more than enough fire, more than enough of everything that I need or desire that is aligned with His Will. I will not struggle, but dance on the head of the enemy! I am a child of the King and I shall act like it, that means that I am special, I am loved, I am worth something to my Daddy, the King! I will not be enslaved to the flesh and to the enemy because Jesus has removed my chains so that I can praise Him, He's removed the shackles from my feet so that I can dance, He has made my heart free to follow Him, and He has made my entire life free for Him. In Him, I am truly free! Free from worry, anxiety, dread, slavery, sadness, dispair, doom, anger, sickness, depression, uncertainty, confusion, nervousness.... I am free from every negative hold that is placed on my life!!!
This freedom is not just for me! This nobility is not just for me! You can have all of these things too! All you have to do is ask Jesus to forgive you and ask Him into your life.....Just pray the following:
" Lord, I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, and was crucified in my place. I believe that He rose from the grave and lives today so that I might live in You also. I ask that you send me the Comforter, Your Holy Spirit. I ask that you invade my heart, my mind and my body. I give my life to you, Lord, that I might know you more. I thank you, Father. In Jesus name, I recieve your salvation- Amen"
If you've just prayed this prayer for the first time, please contact me so that I may help you or even just know and celebrate with you! Please do not hesitate in contacting me for any questions also.
Friday, May 2, 2008
His Plan
It's even more wonderful when I pay attention to the everyday and see just where God is moving and working in my life. This entry will be a sort of testimony unto God for how good He is !!
Looking back, He's placed just the right people in the right place at the right time in my life. Many times I had no idea what type of influence they would have on my life, but it has been substantial! My adoptive mom became a major part in my coming back to Jesus. That woman not only gave me a good and Godly example, but she prayed continuously for both me and my sister Daphne. I am so very thankful to God for how He used something so tragic - my parents dying - and brought me out better than ever!
In daily life, I have tried to develope continual graditude. What do I mean by this? It's the little things that count!
Yesterday I had mediation for a car that I had failed to finish paying off. It had been bought from a private owner, and they wanted thier money. Who wouldn't? Well, I had my reasons and my situations that had caused it so that I had not paid this off, but it all really boils down to excuses. So, I knew that I owed this money. I told them as much and was very honest with them. Of course, before we even got to the court house ( actually before we even left the house ), my husband and I prayed for guidance and favor. The creditors ended up dropping the late fee and we settled for what was owed on the car plus court costs. No, we didn't come away rich. We didn't come away without having to pay, they didn't drop the case either. But God had done what I asked and He moved on thier hearts and softened them. He allowed them to come to a workable agreement on payments and everything!! Praise the Lord!! Now this is only one thing that happened yesterday. We had counted pennies just to be able to get some gas. Yes, things have been THAT tight lately! Well, so we each had a few dollars in our wallets, plus the pennies, and we had nothing in the bank ( though I thought we had $10 ) and we were able to get enough gas to get me to work and back for the next couple days.
Now, my husband had wanted to go to Quiznos and get one of those $5 sandwiches that they are advertising and I had to stand up against him. I felt that if we would only be good stewards and be responsible and thankful with and for everything that the Lord gave us, He would multiply it. So, I explained this to my husband. No, we couldn't go but food from a restaurant, no matter how cheap, no matter how much we wanted it. That same $5 could buy a loaf of bread, and some lunchmeat for the week. Thank God he saw my point and agreed. When the mail came yesterday, I made my usual trek out to the mailbox, expecting more bills, but instead, I found a package from Neilsen's ratings, I had forgotten all about this coming! Inside, I found the TV logs and $30 cash! God is GOOD!!!!
I believe this happens more and more, when we give HIM the glory!! So remember this as you walk through life. Be thankful for all that you have because He owns it all and gives it to you out of His goodness and mercy. Without His provisions, we have nothing!
"Dear Heavenly father, I pray that right now you would touch all those who read this post. I pray that your Holy Spirit would move upon thier hearts, touch thier lives and I pray that they would kow You more. I thank you , Lord, for all of your gifts, your blessings and especially your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. I thank you for my friends and family and I pray that you would bless and keep them today and everyday. In the name of Jesus, I claim my inheritance and blessings, and thank the Giver of Life and all things. Amen"
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Leading...
Let me go back in time and start with a little history of who I am and where I've been.
I was born the 7th child to my mother and the 8th child to my father. My mother had been married before my dad and she had 2 other daughters and 4 sons. My father had been married twice before and I had 6 sisters from those unions, the one son he had had was still born. I was not planned , by my parents, and was quite a shock as my mom was 42 and my dad, 50. They may not have expected me, but God did.
They were great parents, and according to my siblings, completely different with me than with any of them. I guess that's what they mean about the baby being spoiled :)~
I started school in a Fundementalist Baptist Church and School. I attended "Faith Baptist" from Kindergarden until the middle of 7th grade. I also attended the church and Sunday school. My parents, especially my dad, were not religious people. I don't ever remember my dad even stepping foot on the church and school property, and it was a rariety for my mom to do so. But I know that my mother loved God, and I believe she was saved, and so did my pastor. My dad, however, as long as he meant it when I begged him to ask Jesus into his heart and he finally agreed, then I know that I'll see him again one day!
Although my roots were pretty solid in the faith, I ran from this at an early age. My dad had passed when I was 8 years old and my mom went home when I was 12. I rebelled. I began to drink, smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, have sex, party, you name it. I wanted to run as far away from God as I possibly could. He wouldn't let me though.
After my sister decided that I was too much to handle ( and she was the only one that I knew where she was and was able to take me in ) I went to live with a friend from Faith Baptist. Those next 5 years were horrible! The emotional abuse that I endured pushed me even further away from God because these people were pure hypocrites, but while being hypocrites, I was still made to go to church, so even though I hated it, His Word was still getting through. And I even enjoyed one church that I went to. I was engaged to a future youth minister ( I messed that relationship up! ) and I began my own Bible study at school ( now a public school )
I was 17 and finally out on my own when I left the church ( we had now switched churches too ) and vowed to never come back. Again, this was due to the hypocracy of the church in general, and my very bad experiances with it. And I held true to this declaration for many years. I became involved in Wicca, which is a pagan religion that I really thought was ok. I had long since told God that I didn't want to run from Him, but His church. I figured that as long as I didn't deny God, then being wiccan was okay.
I had rationalized this and justified this over and over in my mind. I basically rationalized my way through wicca for more than 10 years.
**During those horrible 5 years of teenage-hood, I had made bestfriends with the girl next door and her parents became like my own parents. I got to go on family vacations with them and really felt like I belonged. ( I believe God had made sure of this ) And during that time, I also lost touch with most of the biological family I had - it didn't help that my brothers were famous for thier drinking, drugs and lies. So now, when I refer to my 'mom' or my 'dad', I am speaking of the adoptive parents who got me through adolesence.**
My mom never gave up on me. She had long since re-found the Lord and began her walk with Him, and she continued to try and talk to me about what I was doing and where I was headed. Eventually she got me into church and the rest, as they say, is history. Or is it?
My walk has never been easy, or quick. I had no idea what I was doing, I was lost and I was hungry. Having been raised Fundamental Baptist, I was in shock when I saw people dancing, shouting, lifting hands and praising. What were these nutballs doing and why was I still here?? I often watched or listened wide-eyed as I compared some of the things I saw and heard with things I learned on my pagan walk. Over time I learned how God was the source of these things and they had been twisted into what I had known. I began to learn a lot about the Lord and I began to walk closer with Him, but I was still very much dependant on others ( namely my mom ) to help me stay on track.
I fell off "track" more times than I can count. I went back to the flesh and the world so many times! But do you know what the wonderful thing is?? God forgave me and took me back EVERY TIME!!! He is more loving and gracious than the best parent that you can think of. He is more faithful than even the sun, even when we aren't. He is ALWAYS there, it is not He who gets lost, but us. All we have to do is reach out to Him, call to Him and He will answer us, and bring us home. Isn't that wonderful???
Anyhow, there's quite a bit that I'm leaving out, but you get the jest. Amazing Grace - how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I am now listening, watching and waiting upon the Lord. I want to continue to share my hopes, dreams, inspired insights, and God's plans with my life, right here in my journal. I do hope that you come back and see what unfolds! You can also find me through, check it out , and if you join under me, please be sure to also join my club : Prayer Chain.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Working for the good
First of all, I would like us to look at the part, " who have been called according to His purpose." Many people may first think of what the Lord would have them do, what THIER purpose is, but is that what this says? In many places throughout the Bible, we hear about God's purpose. God has a purpose on this earth: to have his creation believe in Him and join Him in heaven. He wants His Word to be spread, for more and more believers to be born again. His purpose to see us in His Heavenly Kingdom. So, does that mean that we shouldn't do what we think God has called us to do? Does that mean that we should ONLY focus on His purpose? Well, actually - Yes. If we are called according to His purpose in spreading His Word and bringing lost souls unto Him, then we must use the our purpose towards that. What's the difference you ask? We have each been gifted with different things. Some people may feel that they are called to minister on the street, feed the homeless and cloth the poor. Some may be more led to become a youth pastor. Some may feel they belong in a Prison Ministry. Another may be a public school teacher, and another may be led to be a waitress. Not all of these callings are glamorous, but they are all ordained by God. He knows what our strengths and our weaknesses are and He wants us to use them for His Glory and His Kingdom. We must use our purpose to fulfill HIS purpose. If this is not clear enough, please feel free to leave a comment or email me, and I will be happy to talk further with you.
Now for the next part of this verse that I want to speak on. " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him." How many know that the "good" may not always be the "want"? Another very important point.... "of those who love Him" God is a loving God and Father. He loves us unconditionally, but do we love Him? He is not going to work things for good for someone who does not love and follow Him. But for His children, He will move mountains. We may think that we need a new car, or a new job, or what have you, but that may not be God's plan and it may not be what's best for you. You can pray and pray for that new car, but if God knows that this would not be best, he will not give it. If you are in a situation, God knows the way out. When you don't know what to do, or even when you think that you do, pray it through. I say this because again, He knows whats best. If you want a new job, ask Him to show you if it's His will. If it IS His will, ask Him to lead you.
God has our own good in His heart. He wants only whats best for His children, much like an earthly father. He will not lead us astray, He will not lead us down the wrong path. Even when you have hit a bump in the road after praying on a situation and you know that you only moved in the direction that He said, this is for a reason. He continues to raise us, to strengthen us, to encourage us and to love us. If we would just trust in Him, the way He asks, we could be lifted atop the world!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Life's ups and downs
It's easy to praise God and smile when things are going our way, would'nt you say? Of course. When the traffic lights are all green when you're running late, when you forgot to take something out for dinner only to come home and find a gift card to Outback that you forgot about, etc. These are the times that it's easy to praise God ( or at least say ' Thank God! ) but what about when those lights are red? Or when your boss is breathing down your neck to complete a project that you're struggling with? Maybe the finances are too tight, or it seems that one thing after another is happening. These are the times when it's most important for us to praise Him! It's definitely harder to do so, but it's very important!
I can speak from personal experiance when I say that it's a life changing experiance to praise Him in the storm. When things around me seem like they are falling apart. When I think that everyone has forgotten me, when I think that financially I'm sinking and there's no life vest... Just to change that thought process and start thanking my Heavenly Father for the blessings that He bestows on me, changes it all. I'm not saying that if you say thank You that all your problems will disappear. Saying Thank You does, however, make you aware of what you have. Just like a parent on earth, our Heavenly Father likes to be appreciated too, and sometimes He may give us a break when we show true appreciation.
When I think about how our relationship with God parallels our relationship with our children, it is amazing! I have 3 of the most wonderful kids ever born. I truly believe them to be gifts from God that He has intrusted me with until He returns. There are times that they make me want to pull my hair out, of course, but I am so very thankful for them. That wasn't my point, however. My point is this.... those children can take things and people for granted, very easily. I often feel like they could care less and I'm always telling myself how I should just stop doing stuff for them until they learn to appreciate me and what I do for them. Of course, I then turn around and fold thier laundry or something . When they do say thank you and / or show true appreciation, it blows me away! I will then do just about anything for them. To know that they love me and are thankful for me and what I do, well, it's a most wonderful feeling! Now think of this with God.
The Lord giveth...and giveth...and giveth.... Are we doing all we can to not just take, take, take? How it must break His heart to look down at His most loved creation ( mankind ) and see such hatred, death, destruction, jealously, greed, dishonesty, lust, etc. And how it must delight Him when He see's one turn away from this. How it must fill His heart with joy when one looks up towards the sky and truly thanks Him for His goodness. How it must feel to know true appreciation. How He must feel when He knows He has truly captured our heart. How about your heart? Has God truly captured your heart? I'm not talking about asking Jesus to come into your heart, though that is the first step. I'm talking about truly letting Him have control. Are you letting God make His changes within you? Are you showing the Lord your greatfulness? Are you greatful for your blessings?
It doesn't matter how small or big a blessing is, it's still a blessing! The smallest one's are the ones we overlook the most, but should be most thankful for. You may really dislike your boss, or maybe co-workers, but are you thankful that you have a job when so many people are unemployeed, and not by choice? Your car may be rusting and creaks as you drive down the street, but have you thanked God that you aren't walking? Or maybe you ARE walking, could you imagine being in a wheelchair? Maybe you are in a wheelchair, then thank God that you have the strength to sit up in it. I could go on and on and on. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, and if we will just open our eyes and hearts to His Goodness, He is sure to pour more of His blessings upon us.
Lord, I pray that each person reading this would know Your love. I pray that they would know Your sacrifice. I pray, Father that You would bless them according to your will and that all that they touch would prosper. I pray dear, Lord, that you would fill every void in thier life, that you, Abba, would heal thier hurts and fill thier needs. I pary that your Holy Spirit fill thier lives, and that You would lead them in all that they do. Father, I thank you so much for your blessings. For each person reading this right now, for each of my children, my husband, my family, my home, my car, my job and each thing that I may not even notice everyday. I pray , Father, that you would make these small blessings known to us, that we may praise your glorious Name. And now Father, I thank you for your Son and I pray that Your grace and mercy be with each of us as we go on our way, with You forever by our side. In You Son's precious, holy name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I'm not saying that we walk with our head down with sac cloth and ashes all the time. Because after we come to our Father and turn our lives over to Him , knowing that only He can lead us and guide us, He then washes us clean and we are His Children. We are royalty! We are to walk with our head high, but not so high that our egos enter a room before us. We are to be proud of our heritage ( Jesus Christ ) and proud of our inheritance ( Heaven and all God has to offer ), but not so proud that we can not help the poor.
Though we become the heirs of the greatest treasure of all time, we are to remain humble and not haughty or proud. We are to still have a humble heart and know that all we have is b/c of the love of the Father. He gives to us so that we may give to others. He uses us as a tool, as a witness, if we will only allow Him. When we surrender humbly to God, He will fill our lives with all that He has to offer. Just as a parent wants to give everything to thier child, so God, Our Father, is with us. As a parent, there are things that we must teach our children. There are lesson they must know and things they must go through in order to make them stronger and wiser. So, too, we are with God. When you look up to the Heavens and ask Why.. Why God wont you just fix this? He answers, probably through teary eyes.. Because my child, you must grow, you must learn, you must shine brighter for Me.
So don't be afraid to bow your head to floor and worship your Father. Don't be afraid to humble yourself and praise His Holy Name. He is the Alpha, the Omega, The first and the last. He is the All in All and He is your loving Father - if you will only accept his discipline.